How to make felt

After a long break sorting out all life has to throw at me I’m back on the craft train.

I have spent some time learning how to make felt using the softest wool.

It really is so simple! Don’t let anyone tell you to rub the wool for 15 minutes unless you want to embed your netting into it and make a very strong net-felt (my mistake).

Bubble wrap
Netting (like net curtain or in my case old tutu material)
Warm soapy water
Knee pads
Boiling water
Cold water
A sink

A tiled floor

I felt my wool on a tiled floor because I’ve found it to be the safest place for water – no stains and very easy to clear up. Although if you have back or knee problems its not recommended!

1. Lay out the towel, then the bubble wrap with bubbles facing in, then the net


2. Gently tease the wool into small sections.



3. Layer the wool up one side with the fibres going one way and the second layer with them going the other

4. Next sprinkle with soapy water (I use Persil) and fold half the net and bubble layers over the top

5. Gently rub the layers backwards and forwards in one direction then the other


6. In general, maybe count to 100 or time about 5-7 minutes.

7. Next unpeel your newly created felt from the net. If it hasn’t felted just rub some more

8. Lay the felt back down on the bubble and repeat the rubbing process

9. You should begin to see that you now have a piece of felt


10. If you can stand it, rub a bit more


11. Then pick up your felt and throw it in the sink (literally)

12. Pour boiling water over it. The boiling water will shock the fibre.and help it to stay together


13. Once safe to do so, squeeze out the hot water then pour cold water straight over.

14. Rinse and start scrunching up your felt and throwing hard into the sink. This helps to bond the fibres even further. It also is a great therapy for stress!


15. Ta da!! You should now have a piece of felt

In its simple form, this is the easiest way to make a piece of felt that you can use for almost anything. See my next post coming up on Easter egg cosies.

Merry Christmas!

I am getting back into my stride and have some lovely Christmas pictures to show.

I hope you are having an excellent Christmas day and that you have received everything you wanted from Santa!

This Christmas, Santa treated me to lots of amazing bits and bobs to craft with. I am lucky to now have a cutting board, rule and rotary cutter.

My sister has also given me some wool and sparkly threads to make my own felt with. I’m now planning valentines and easter crafts…to be continued..

Anyway, here are a few pictures of my Christmas. I’d better get back to the present giving!


Christmas tree decoration with sequin waste


Lavender bag and tree mantlepiece decor



My Christmas day haul – wool to felt and sparkles!

Have a great day everyone!